How Ayurveda helps you to look after yourself
Ayurveda, which originates from India, translates as Science (Ayur) of Life (veda)
In fact, Ayurveda is about taking responsibility for your own well being.
Of course you know that, in order to live well, you should choose a healthy lifestyle and make sensible choices about what you eat. But with so much conflicting advice, it can be difficult to decide what’s right for you. Ayurveda’s combination of diet, lifestyle, massage and herbal medicines has been practised for thousands of years and has proven health benefits. It is recognised by the many GPs who refer their patients for treatment by our qualified Ayurvedic doctors and therapists.
And because Ayruveda takes into account your environment, your lifestage and the impact the changing seasons can have on your health and well being, it is as relevant today as it has always been.
Which Dosha Are You?
Discover how your Dosha or mind-body type influences your character and can affect your health and well being
Ayurveda Treatment
From consultation to responding to changes, what you expect and what you might need to ask