An Ayurveda Lifestyle is a matter of acceptance of nature as a healing force. One must also engage in a rigorously honest self assessment of their entire being. A person must open themselves to their spirit and the spirit that guides the universe.
The adoption of an Ayurveda lifestyle is a process. One cannot expect miraculous changes in an instant. Seemingly miraculous changes in self concept, interactions with others, inner peace, better health, and simply feeling good mentally and physically are possible.
Belief in a higher power is central to the philosophy that is the basis of Ayurveda. No person that practices this art will force anyone to accept a specific concept of “god”. The simple fact that a person believes that a beneficent and all powerful spirit guides the universe and is capable of directing an individual’s life is all that is needed.
A person must face themselves as they truly are to adopt an Ayurveda lifestyle. The process can be difficult but guides who have gone through this experience themselves are available for counsel and nurturing during the struggle. The people that have discovered themselves do not tell a person who to be but show them the way to find who they truly are.
Discovering the real inner person is essential to developing a diet that improves the good qualities a person has and diminishes their bad qualities. Diet is an essential part of the Ayurveda lifestyle. Diet is directed to maintain a person’s health and specific combinations of remedies can address even the most serious of health issues.
A person must accept the influence of the natural world in their mental, emotional, and physical being to completely adopt an Ayurveda lifestyle. The idea does not mean that a person becomes a completely spiritual being that takes no part in all of the everyday things of the world. The concept means that a person allows the natural world to guide them in their choices and direction.
Physical activity is also an essential part of the Ayurveda lifestyle. Yoga and massage are the basic physical activities that are involved. The body needs physical activity to rid itself of the toxins that cause pain, depression, stress, and anxiety. Physical activity allows a person to release their mind from the cares of the world and achieve a balance in life that they have never known before.
People that adopt an Ayurveda lifestyle attest to better health. Diet and specific remedies for chronic and deadly conditions like obesity, diabetes, bone disease, cancer, and hormonal irregularities are available. Asthma, impotence, infertility, hair loss, insomnia, and arthritis can be eliminated with the practices of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is a lifestyle that improves body, mind, and spirit in simple steps and regimens that any person of any age can readily adopt.
Find out more about the Ayurveda lifestyle by contacting Kerala Ayurveda Centre at